door Marcel | mrt 5, 2014 | Trading
I recently sent out an e-mail to my subscribers and asked what they’d like to read more about here and promised that I would write about that. I got several responses, and some of you asked if I could go deeper into the trade setups I’m looking for and... door Marcel | feb 5, 2014 | Trading
“A lot of people do what they are told to do by their parents, by society, by their industry, even if you have unconventional thoughts or things you want to do on your own,” said Tim Sykes. “F— that. You do not need to do that. The world has changed, and I don’t...
door Marcel | jan 28, 2014 | Trading
“Stop thinking you are irrelevant. Every single person is unique, every single person matters.” I just love this statement from Timothy Sykes, and he is completely right.So much people think that what they do, think or know doesn’t matter. They are... door Marcel | jan 12, 2014 | Trading
There comes a time that you will have to decided when to sell you profiting position. Off course you do want to do that at the best time possible to make as much money as you can. But there also lies the trap, when is the best time? Off course looking backwards you... door Marcel | jan 10, 2014 | Trading
In addition to this recent article on CNN Money about Tim Sykes creating his second millionaire Tim Grittani. Now Tim & Tim were interviewed on Fox Biz by Neil Cavuto.About three years ago, Tim Grittani decided to begin trading stocks with his life savings of...