door Marcel | mei 25, 2017 | Trading
There are more than enough books about life and success available to read. I’ve found it hard to find the ones that really would impress me so I’ve read a lot of those books myself. I want to share 9 of the books that I think are a must read to kickstart...
door Marcel | apr 25, 2017 | Trading
Robert Kiyosaki is best known for his book Rich Dad, Poor Dad. One of the top financial books that I recommend here. It this book he describes how he has been raised by two “dads”. They both learned him a different approach on how to live life. And how to handle your...
door Marcel | feb 20, 2017 | Trading
The most important art you’re going to need to become successful and to get what you want, is also one of the most simplest: ASK It is said in “Ask and you shall receive.” Yes, there is not a single question for success. Instead, there are a lot of...
door Marcel | jan 25, 2017 | Trading
Are you feeling fulfilled about your life? Do you really love to do the things you do on a regular basis? Or are you as so many out there, that are not happy about one, or maybe even more, aspects of their lives? It is a shame that so many people feel this about some...
door Marcel | nov 25, 2016 | Trading
Jim Rohn is one of the most respected and well known motivational speakers that has ever lived. He has helped millions of people changing their lives through his wise life lessons and amazing insights on how to live. Not only did he know how to bring his message to...