door Marcel | jan 25, 2017 | Trading
Are you feeling fulfilled about your life? Do you really love to do the things you do on a regular basis? Or are you as so many out there, that are not happy about one, or maybe even more, aspects of their lives? It is a shame that so many people feel this about some...
door Marcel | nov 25, 2016 | Trading
Jim Rohn is one of the most respected and well known motivational speakers that has ever lived. He has helped millions of people changing their lives through his wise life lessons and amazing insights on how to live. Not only did he know how to bring his message to...
door Marcel | jul 18, 2016 | Trading
Les Brown is a premier keynote speaker and one of the leading authorities on personal development. He energizes people to meet their challenge by giving amazing seminars. He uses his own life story as an example about the actions you need to take to change your life....
door Marcel | jul 9, 2016 | Trading
Charles Bukowski, an American author, poet, short story writer, and novelist who shared his unfiltered views and opinions with the world on everything in life, from art to death. He was a renowned and prolific writer, often depicting the experiences of the downtrodden...
door Marcel | jul 7, 2016 | Trading
The are several top financial books that everybody must have read. Even if you’re not interested in finance of becoming a millionaire you will need to have some basic understanding of how finance works. Simply because everything is tied to it, your income, your... door Marcel | jul 5, 2016 | Trading
A lot of speeches have some great insights on life and success. They also might have some great stories about what some people went through to get where they are at that moment. But there are only some of the speeches that are truly moving and touching you real deep....