Zo noem ik mijn posts. Ik schrijf ze vooral als een notitie voor mezelf. Om mijn gedachten te ordenen en helderheid te krijgen.
De meeste gaan over beleggen, triathlon of veganistisch eten. Deze posts zijn een manier om mijn zoektocht door het leven vast te leggen. Het is een soort van online dagboek van wat er in mijn gedachten rondgaat.
Ik schrijf verschillende posts. Sommige zijn wat langer en hebben meer diepgang om je een inkijkje te geven in mijn gedachtegang. Anderen zijn meer een soort braindump van wat me bezig houdt.
Laatste post

TradingView – Daily and Weekly Moving Averages on Daily Chart
For quick and clean charting I mainly use TradingView. I use multiple moving averages to see how a stock behaves and to find potential buy and sell areas. But I find it a hassle to manage 6 different indicators on my chart. Also if you are on the free plan you are...
TradingView – Daily and Weekly Moving Averages on Daily Chart
For quick and clean charting I mainly use TradingView. I use multiple moving averages to see how a stock behaves and to find potential buy and sell areas. But I find it a hassle to manage 6 different indicators on my chart. Also if you are on the free plan you are...
Laatste post

TradingView – Daily and Weekly Moving Averages on Daily Chart
For quick and clean charting I mainly use TradingView. I use multiple moving averages to see how a stock behaves and to find potential buy and sell areas. But I find it a hassle to manage 6 different indicators on my chart. Also if you are on the free plan you are...
TradingView – Daily and Weekly Moving Averages on Daily Chart
For quick and clean charting I mainly use TradingView. I use multiple moving averages to see how a stock behaves and to find potential buy and sell areas. But I find it a hassle to manage 6 different indicators on my chart. Also if you are on the free plan you are...
Zo noem ik mijn posts. Ik schrijf ze vooral als een notitie voor mezelf. Om mijn gedachten te ordenen en helderheid te krijgen.
De meeste gaan over beleggen, triathlon of veganistisch eten. Deze posts zijn een manier om mijn zoektocht door het leven vast te leggen. Het is een soort van online dagboek van wat er in mijn gedachten rondgaat.
Ik schrijf verschillende posts. Sommige zijn wat langer en hebben meer diepgang om je een inkijkje te geven in mijn gedachtegang. Anderen zijn meer een soort braindump van wat me bezig houdt.
De rest van mijn notes.
Penny Stock Wizard “Timothy Sykes” Shares His Advice For Success
Addicted2Success mission is to empower and inspire people by spreading knowledge of self development and life changing stories to the world. They show you what it really takes to become a successful human being. With new motivational videos, interviews, audio and more...
How To Trade An Ascending Triangle Chart Break Out
In a recent e-mail to my subscribers I asked what they want to read more about, I got several replies that asked for posts about the setups I mostly trade. If you also have a request but weren't subscribed at the moment of my mail, first thing is to subscribe and...
Why You Must Learn To Be The Wolf And Not A Sheep
I recently came across this amazing video below on; Motivational speaker “Owen Cook” expels his amazing knowledge on the importance of living your life in a relentless pursuit to achieve your dreams. That it never pays to play it small. That our...
REVIEW: Investors Live: Textbook Trading DVD
It’s been over three years in the making and is by far the most comprehensive trading education product available today. I decided that I wanted to expand my trading knowledge to be better educated on the stock market. Nate Michaud recently created his Textbook...
Learn To Find The Perfect Technical Breakout Stocks
I recently sent out an e-mail to my subscribers and asked what they'd like to read more about here and promised that I would write about that. I got several responses, and some of you asked if I could go deeper into the trade setups I'm looking for and comfortable...
Motivating Mindset Interview With Timothy Sykes
said Tim Sykes. “F— that. You do not need to do that. The world has...
Every Person Is Unique, Every Single Person Matters
I just love this statement from Timothy Sykes, and he is completely right.So much people think that what they do, think or know doesn't matter. They are...
Don’t Forget To Take Your Profits
There comes a time that you will have to decided when to sell you profiting position. Off course you do want to do that at the best time possible to make as much money as you can. But there also lies the trap, when is the best time? Off course looking backwards you...
Penny Stock Millionaires on Fox Biz
In addition to this recent article on CNN Money about Tim Sykes creating his second millionaire Tim Grittani. Now Tim & Tim were interviewed on Fox Biz by Neil Cavuto.About three years ago, Tim Grittani decided to begin trading stocks with his life savings of...
Strong chart is paying off with 65% Profit
On 10/12/2013 I bought MEIL on the breakout of it's 200-day moving average of $2.88 on strong volume. As it's looked very strong and it looked to me as this one could run much higher.After spiking further that day up to $3.35 it consolidated for the next few days as...
The 9 Must Follow Day Traders Online
There are lots of traders out there who claim to be a "guru" and want you to follow them and try to get you pay for their services. Most of them are only making money by selling their products and not by trading at all. Luckily there are some traders who are open...
Breakout Chart with 25% Profit
Impac Mortgage Holdings, Inc. operates as an independent residential mortgage lender. It operates through three segments: Mortgage Lending, Real Estate Services, and Long-Term Mortgage Portfolio. Trade informationMarket Cap52.32MFloat6.05M sharesAvg 3-months...
Huge potential on strong chart
Methes Energies International Ltd. is a renewable energy company that offers a variety of products and services to biodiesel fuel producers. Methes also offers biodiesel processors that are unique, truly compact, fully automated state-of-the-art and continuous flow...
Making 41ct/share on this Perfect Trading Alert
Perfect alert on this technical break out of this big earnings winner.Total sales was $21.74 million, an increase of 21.26 million as compared to $0.48 million for the third quarter of 2012.Income from operations was $10.46 million, increased 108%...
How to Make 25% Profit in 2 Days Trading FNMA
Fairholme proposes to buy insurance businesses of Fannie, FreddieNovember 13, Fairholme Capital Management has proposedto buy the insurance businesses of Fannie Mae andFreddie Mac, a move that seeks to resolve theuncertain future of the mortgage financiers by freeing...
The Best Way To Track Your Trading Performance
Off course one of the most essential things to do when you are trading stocks is keeping track of all of your trades to be sure that you are profitable. You have to know how well your strategy is going and what trades have made you money and which didn't. So you can...
The Best Broker For Penny Stocks
Your broker is one of the things that can make a huge difference in your trading success. You have to pay commissions on your trades. You have to borrow stocks when you want to short sell. Online brokers are very different from each other. A mistake most people make...
Mercedes is testing Google Glass Integration
I put the car in park, unplug the phone, and put Google Glass on my face. Within seconds, I’ve got step-by-step directions to a coffee shop down the street beamed directly to my eyeballs. This is what Mercedes-Benz has planned for the future, and not only do they have...